Category Archives: Polarization

Obama: the puppet

If one looks closely, one can see the strings.   In the time of our nation being at war with the most barbaric and cruel enemy possible, we need a leader which unites us, not one which divides us! In some cases, … Continue reading

Posted in (p)RESIDENT, a href="">search engine submission, derisive, divisive, Obama, Polarization, Politics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

More on Gun Control

Do NOT have the sound on for this video; it’s way too high and I’m not sure I liked it; I turned it off right away.   From the very first sign I was able to read, the one derisive of Israel, I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Barack Obama, Congress, Constitution, Dept. Homeland Security, DHS, Domestic Terrorists, Founding Principals, Gun Control, Military, Militia, Obama, Polarization, Politics, Security, Terrorism | Leave a comment


  There is astounding truth below:  Some may not read this entire missive, but please at least, if you don’t, Scroll down to the link you need to hear.   (the first; there’re two links) Below, if you follow the link, and … Continue reading

Posted in "The 5, 000 Year Leap", 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, ABC, Amoral, Barack Obama, BBC, bigots, C-SPAN, Capitalism, CBS, Congress, Democrats, Dept. Homeland Security, DHS, Executive Orders, Fascist, FEMA, FEMA camps, FREE PRESS, Freedom, freedom of speech, Glenn Beck, Government, Leftist, Leftist agenda, NBC, News, newspaper, NPR, Obama, Pajama Media, Polarization, Politics, Revolution, Rush Limbaugh, Senate, Socialist, Soros, The 9/12 Project | Leave a comment


If President Obama had run on the fact that he would opt to leave this many troops in Iraq, what he’s saying now, would he have won?   Wait; wasn’t what he’s saying now, closer to what McCain was saying then … Continue reading

Posted in 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, Barack Obama, Democrats, Election, Iraq, Obama, Polarization, Politics, War | Leave a comment

Department of “JUSTICE”? or Dept. of Conspiracy?

If not for the conviction of Senator Stevens of Alaska, who still was barely defeated, in spite of his convictions on 7 felonies, what would have happened in D.C.?   If not for the prosecutorial malfeasance, . . . . Would … Continue reading

Posted in 1 World Currency, a href="">search engine submission, Bailout, Banks, Barack Obama, Congress, conspiracy, Corruption, Democrats, Dollar, earmarks, Government, History, Obama, Palin, Polarization, Politics, Pork, President Alfred E. NewBama, Prosecution, Stimulus, The 9/12 Project | Leave a comment


When I grew up, the media was relatively dependable and investigative journalism was evident; the people depended on it!    Oh, there were people like Randolph Herst, who was building his media empire, but by-in-large, the media had not sold out, like they … Continue reading

Posted in 1 World Currency, 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, Barack Obama, Charles Freeman, computer, Congress, conspiracy, Corruption, Council on Foreign Relations, Dallas 11/22/1963, earmarks, Economy, Government, Hillary, James Carville, Kennedy, Media, Middle East, News, newspaper, Obama, Polarization, Politics, Pork, Presidential Scandal | Leave a comment


  His whole campaign was a lie! This is NOT hope!   Joe was right on!   McCain was not what the people wanted, but neither is this move!    (A typical dirty election, in Chicago, included hand-picking the opponent, who was guaranteed … Continue reading

Posted in "The 5, 000 Year Leap", 1 World Currency, 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, Bailout, bankruptcy, Banks, Barack Obama, Congress, Corruption, Culture of corruption, Democrats, Dollar, evil, Freedom, freedom of speech, G 20, Glenn Beck, Government, IMPEACH, Inflation, Lies, Obama, Polarization, Politics | Leave a comment


Hedge funds – the out-of-control-entity behind the world finance system!   Hallelujah!   Finally!   The G 20 gets it! Reported on today’s NPR:   “Finance officials from rich and developing countries pledged Saturday to do “whatever is necessary” to fix the global economy, including supervision … Continue reading

Posted in 401 K, a href="">search engine submission, Bailout, Banks, Barack Obama, Business, Congress, Corruption, Drugs, Economy, Government, NYSE, Obama, Polarization, Politics | Leave a comment


The way the world is today; ….. there’s something we’re to learn, from all this? Yea.   Actually, it’s simple. Yea? Yea; it’s two things – they’re not inconsequential, mind you. First, that the world is spinning out of control, is … Continue reading

Posted in 911, a href="">search engine submission, Clash of Cultures, Freedom, Hamas, Hate, Islam, Muslim, Polarization, Politics, Religion, Revolution, Security, The mystical, War | Leave a comment


This is only to begin a dialogue …… let’s begin to present and compare ideas regarding the limitations and ramifications of the actions of those who’ve been elected to represent us: It ought to be illegal; it’s time to consider and … Continue reading

Posted in a href="">search engine submission, Bailout, Banks, Barack Obama, Congress, Corruption, Criminal, Culture of corruption, Democrats, earmarks, Economy, FRAUD, Government, Madoff, Obama, Polarization, Politics, Pork, Prosecution, Stimulus | Leave a comment