Category Archives: Council on Foreign Relations


  Are you aware of George Soros? Of his holdings?   Of who is beholding to him? Of how he made money as the rest of us lost?  Of his web of intrigue – attempts to control nations, governments, the mega-wealthy as well as … Continue reading

Posted in 1 World Currency, 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, A.C.O.R.N., Activism, Bailout, bankruptcy, Barack Obama, Beltway, Congress, conspiracy, Corruption, Council on Foreign Relations, Culture of corruption, Democrats, Dollar, evil, George Soros, Government, Greed, MoveOn.Org, Obama, Pork, Presidential Scandal, Soros | Leave a comment


When I grew up, the media was relatively dependable and investigative journalism was evident; the people depended on it!    Oh, there were people like Randolph Herst, who was building his media empire, but by-in-large, the media had not sold out, like they … Continue reading

Posted in 1 World Currency, 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, Barack Obama, Charles Freeman, computer, Congress, conspiracy, Corruption, Council on Foreign Relations, Dallas 11/22/1963, earmarks, Economy, Government, Hillary, James Carville, Kennedy, Media, Middle East, News, newspaper, Obama, Polarization, Politics, Pork, Presidential Scandal | Leave a comment


3/21/09 Hidden!    Hundreds of billions – secreted out of the country.   My friend Chuck was right; where the money went, is the key to understanding all this. Obama expected Geithner to find the explanation and tell us; for some reason, he … Continue reading

Posted in 1 World Currency, 1 World Government, a href="">search engine submission, Barack Obama, Beltway, Congress, Corruption, Council on Foreign Relations, Democrats, Economy, Geithner, George Soros, Global, Government, Lies, Media, News, NYSE, Obama, Politics, President Bush, Prophesy | Leave a comment

Political Hacks and Socialists – like oil and water – like Tehran and Tel Aviv!

The politically astute will know almost all the names of President Obama’s Cabinet appointments.    With these people in tow, our president’s “reaching out” to Tehran will be seen as what?   A Carter type of weakness?   Or …..   “Look at me!   I’m different” … Continue reading

Posted in a href="">search engine submission, Barack Obama, Cabinet, Caroline, Charles Freeman, Council on Foreign Relations, Glick, Government, Jerusalem Post, Karl Rove, Military Industrial Complex, Politics, President Bush, Trilateral Commission | Leave a comment