You have to see this to believe it.


  • We pay these experts and they have absolutely  no answer?
  • These clowns are in the drivers seat in D.C.?
  • Did they intentionally come unprepared?
  • That way, the people they work for (you & I), rarely get the answers!
  • Should they be held in contempt?   It’s a pattern of this administration, … after all!

About josiahe

Watching closely, working to understand all I may, in this "Age of Information", even from my limited view, I can see much of what's going on ..... and I oft see it's going to impact all of us which is why I share it. My focus is to expose evil, and to serve my Lord and savior Jesus in whatever way He shows me. If one waits long enough, better writers will come along and comment; it's just that I have so little patience with the evil that lurks among us and I've wasted so much time and now, there is so little left! WELCOME!
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