SNOWDEN: When the Mind Scrambles, Instead of the Eggs

SnowdenHe flirted with becoming a male model, while living with a pole-dance instructor and when he wasn’t lost in his make-believe world of gaming, as “Wolfking Awsomefox” . . . he was bragging online, about his sexcapades, but it seems his mind got lost somewhere along the way . . .

Thinking he was like Assange of Wikileaks, Snowden hightailed it to the friendly confines of a luxury hotel in Hong Kong, but that’s not where he is now . . . of course!   Now, Russian authorities, perhaps wondering if all of Snowden’s thumb drives had been located, made Snowden undergo “a medical exam” before being taken to his hotel. I imagine the Russians checked cavities Snowden did not know he possessed.

His postings had shown signs of the break in reality:

  • “Get a (security) clearance, if you’re cleared, have a lifestyle and have specialized IT skills, you can go anywhere in the world right now. Thank god for wars.”
  • “If somebody likes you, it doesn’t even matter if you put your pants on before your underwear in the morning — you will get the job,” he wrote.
  • You have not lived until you’ve rolled over to post-coital Krispy Kremes. That’s what being an American is all about.”

According to The New York Times: “Two Western intelligence experts, who worked for major government spy agencies, said they believed that the Chinese government had managed to drain the contents of the four laptops that Mr. Snowden said he brought to Hong Kong. … If that were the case, they said, China would no longer need or want to have Mr. Snowden remain in Hong Kong.”

And now, …. He sits in the friendly confines of a Russian “capsule hotel” outside Moscow, a far cry from the luxury hotel he once occupied in Hong Kong. Capsule hotels have teeny-tiny rooms, some without windows, that are stacked on top of each other like coffins.

He’ll soon have to face that he’s pretty much a persona-non-grata in most all of the world ….. ‘ceptin maybe in Leavenworth.   His next stop?   72 virgins maybe?

Read the entire story by Roger Simon here:

About josiahe

Watching closely, working to understand all I may, in this "Age of Information", even from my limited view, I can see much of what's going on ..... and I oft see it's going to impact all of us which is why I share it. My focus is to expose evil, and to serve my Lord and savior Jesus in whatever way He shows me. If one waits long enough, better writers will come along and comment; it's just that I have so little patience with the evil that lurks among us and I've wasted so much time and now, there is so little left! WELCOME!
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