Thank you U.S.S. Bainbridge; thank you Navy Seals; thank you, for the 350 Crew members; thank you, F.B.I. and any others involved!   Thank you General Petraeus!   And yes, . . . . Thank you President Obama!

As the Maersk is unloading its humanitarian aid, Captain Rich Phillips is free; the “pirates / terrorists” are dead – 3 of 4 are, and the 4th is wounded and in custody.

Hopefully, the living terrorist will be “interrogated” to find the weak links to attack the community of pirates residing openly in Somalia . . . . before he is hanged!   Lest we forget, this land is the home of terrorists – remember “Blackhawk Down”!   (And oh yes; thank you Hollywood for making the public aware.)

About josiahe

Watching closely, working to understand all I may, in this "Age of Information", even from my limited view, I can see much of what's going on ..... and I oft see it's going to impact all of us which is why I share it. My focus is to expose evil, and to serve my Lord and savior Jesus in whatever way He shows me. If one waits long enough, better writers will come along and comment; it's just that I have so little patience with the evil that lurks among us and I've wasted so much time and now, there is so little left! WELCOME!
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