Because of:
• North Korea’s more recent saber-rattling and
• People today have no concept of an entire world at war …

Though this example is not the entire world, I want to relate what my wife was recounting – to me this morning –one of her stories about her 2008 trip to Seoul, S. Korea.

One of her many memorable experiences, as told to me, follows: “Americans stand out there … Sitting on a public bus in an aisle seat, a frail elderly Korean man came and knelt on his knees in the aisle next to me, taking both my hands in his, with tears streaming down his face, saying over and over, “thank you for saving us!”

He explained his gratitude arising from America sending its best and bravest to keep Korea from being conquered by an army equipped and funded by Russia and China. She found similar gratitude expressed during her stay, but none quite so moving. Their War Museum gave much detail of how they were saved by America, even listing the names of each soldier from each country, who gave their lives for S. Korea’s freedom. The list under America was long! Where is our list? Arlington …

In America now, there’s no educating of WW I & II nor Korea – those days – how Americans died en mass for other’s freedoms – – those were different days! Now, we only teach of how bad we were – slavery and our shame over our treatment on Native Americans, etc. neglecting the good.

In Korea, the leftist unions have not taken over the educational system as they have here. Their children have learned; their elders have seen to it!

The Korean War was our 1st ‘proxy’ war’. Then, we were fighting China and Russia … but against hoards of Korean and Chinese suicidal troops.

Maybe, these proxy wars, as some military figures critically explain, it’s done as a way to test our weapons – defense and offense, but now we face an entirely different proxy enemy — one actually looking forward to death!!

They’ve believed a quasi-religious lie directly from the pit – that they’ll be rewarded in a later life.  They’re filled with hate passed from generation to generation, intensifying as it proceeds.  Korea, Iran, Syria and Iraq were recoently called – “the axis of evil” by George W.Bush, not inclusive enough, but . . .

Our current president wants to keep America safer from these and other extreme, violent enemies. And just who is it that opposes him/us? As always … it’s the violent left! Soros and Obama direct the fauda from afar …

We watch!

About josiahe

Watching closely, working to understand all I may, in this "Age of Information", even from my limited view, I can see much of what's going on ..... and I oft see it's going to impact all of us which is why I share it. My focus is to expose evil, and to serve my Lord and savior Jesus in whatever way He shows me. If one waits long enough, better writers will come along and comment; it's just that I have so little patience with the evil that lurks among us and I've wasted so much time and now, there is so little left! WELCOME!
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